Solar Eclipse Day

On Mondays I blog, and so here I sit, blogging to: you.

“I don’t have to solve this all today, I just need to be brave. jClig to Hope and do the next right thing.”

But the next right thing for me might be different than the next right thing for you.

I don’t want to judge. But sometimes I do and it’s hard. But then I remember that what I love in me, is what I am able to love and see in you.

Right now I am in the middle of an unknown future.

I threw away my vape today and I don’t regret it.

I quit smoking cigarettes in my 20s my practicing NOPE. Which stands for Not One Puff Ever and then I broke my own NOPE rule in December 2023 with my friend Renee and good thing, that was only five months ago because I paid attention to how much I vaped last weekend and it' was a weekend with my boys, mind you. And I don’t want my kids to vape so I should quit before they can remember I ever vaped at all. But DJ is eight and Luka turns five in May.

Quitting any bad habit is hard. But the book Atomic Habits says, habits can be frustrating to fix but not impossible when focused. So when I think about why I want to be a really, really old lady is because I want to spend as much time as possible with my kids.

Good thing today is Monday and it’s my day to be a mom but if you would have told me I would divorced from Zac one year ago today, the day I went to see Diplo at BPM in April of 2023, I would have laughed at you. But that’s what happened.