How Have You Learned to Take Care of Yourself Over the Past Years?

I am always still growing and learning. And - I have learned a lot about taking care of myself since 2020.

I don’t know if my self care journey came from the increased stress that comes along with a global pandemic, motherhood, living in a foreign country, or all of the above but what I do know is that I am very much a different person today than I was three years ago.

First, practice kindness for yourself and all the earlier versions of yourself that carried you into this present moment. Let go of your regrets and resentments. You have certainly made mistakes and missteps and still, you are here in this moment and in this moment you can choose to have empathy, grace, and compassion for yourself and the people around you.

Second, what other people think of you has absolutely nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. For example, I think you are doing your best. I also think that you are awesome in your own way.

You see, I am interested in finding the good in people. I am interested in figuring out what we have in common. I didn’t use to be like this. When Covid hit, I was super divisive. I was right and what I was doing was right and I was doing my best - but you - oh no, what you were doing was wrong and you were not doing your best. And I told everyone about it.

I lost a lot of friends. And (going back to point one), she led me to be a better person so I do not regret or hold grudges again who I once was - because I was doing my best in the moment - and she inspired me to be better. Complaining out loud on the internet does not work - trust me - I tried it for a long time. When you practice negative energy, you receive negative energy. Thurs, when you practice positive energy you receive positive energy. To remain positive, you must not engage in negative energy which can be difficult and also lonely. Because it’s easy to be negative. And lots of people are super negative. That’s okay. It’s their journey. You keep being positive and shining your light. This is your journey. :)

You are not going to turn into someone overnight. You didn’t become who you are overnight either. It’s been a process. So - crazy idea but stick with me - love who you are right now. For this moment in time don’t change anything other than the amount of love you feel towards yourself. So much love for yourself - a ridiculous amount of love for the person that you are in this moment. Stick with me - more, more love. All the love that you could possible imagine given directly to you. Here, I have more for you too, take some of mine. Enjoy yourself just as you are.

Okay - now you can begin to take action but all actions must be made in love. How would you live your life if you lived a life of love? How would you treat yourself? What would your priorities be? Would you have the strength to make changes? To choose better for your future self? Now, don’t put pressure on yourself - don’t create a perfect vision of who you want to be; fall back in love with exactly with where you are and ask, “How can I love myself more tomorrow?” When you are kinder to yourself in this moment, you are acting in love. Do little things that remind yourself that you care about yourself.

  • take a long shower, buy yourself flowers, drink a glass of water, go for a walk, listen to your favorite music, stretch, journal, order in dinner, hire someone to clean your house, schedule a vacation for yourself, watch your favorite movie, apply for your dream job, (keep adding to your personal list)

Write out your list of things that bring you joy! And then do as many as those things daily and weekly as you can. Plan for living forever, yes, of course. And then live as if your breath is borrowed - live as if nothing is guaranteed!


