Listen to Your Body & Enjoy the Journey

Yoga Practice for Mindfulness and Flexibility

Duration: 45 minutes

  1. Centering (5 minutes)

    • Begin in a comfortable seated position, close your eyes, and focus on your breath.

    • Take deep inhales and exhales, bringing awareness to the present moment.

  2. Warm-up (10 minutes)

    • Start with a gentle neck stretch, shoulder rolls, and wrist circles.

    • Move into cat-cow stretches to warm up the spine, followed by a few rounds of Sun Salutations.

  3. Standing Poses (15 minutes)

    • Flow through a sequence including Warrior I, Warrior II, Triangle Pose, and Tree Pose.

    • Hold each pose for a few breaths, focusing on alignment and grounding.

  4. Balance Poses (10 minutes)

    • Practice balancing poses such as the Eagle Pose, Dancer Pose, and Half Moon Pose.

    • Engage your core and find a focal point to help with balance.

  5. Cool Down (5 minutes)

    • Transition to the floor for seated forward folds, gentle twists, and hip openers.

    • End in Savasana for relaxation, focusing on releasing tension in the body.

  6. Closing (5 minutes)

    • Bring your awareness back to your breath, gently wiggle your fingers and toes.

    • Take a moment of gratitude for your practice and carry this mindfulness with you throughout the day.

Remember: Listen to your body, modify as needed, and breathe deeply throughout the practice. Enjoy the journey of connecting mind, body, and breath through this yoga practice.

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