Hot Take: Everything is happening ~for~ you, nothing is happening ~to~ you.

In your life story, you are not just a passive observer but, instead, an active participant. Every day you learn how to navigate through lessons offered to you by people and experiences around you.

Do you trust that the lessons happening in your life are offered for you?

When you walk around the world thinking everything is happening to you and you aren’t in control of anything, it can feel tragic. Everything is terrible, nothing matters, and you aren’t important. But what if I offered you a different mindset? And that’s all I can provide you with.

A change of perception.

Even in my relationships, some of which are extremely difficult, I see everyone as a lesson for me. How can I relate to others that can strengthen my journey? How can I connect to others that encourage my personal growth? And perhaps that lesson isn’t to connect but rather create a boundary that protects who I am in this moment.

Some days I feel strong and am on top of the world and I can extend more towards difficult people in my life. On other days I feel low and need to protect the energy I have. On both the high and the low days I am worthy of the energy I offer to others. I always feel that I am doing my best, even after I have wronged or hurt another, I am quick to reflect and offer an apology or a boundary depending on how someone reacts to my actions.

So the reflection going forwards is, how do your relationships with others hurt or help you? And can you cultivate more relationships that help? And can you draw boundaries to protect yourself from people that hurt you? Can you love yourself and your healing journey enough to say, “No mas?” At least just for today? At least just for this breath?

Find a mirror, or even record a video selfie, and say (out loud), “I am enough. I do enough. I have enough. I am enough.” When we practice Gratitude for what we have (all of those problematic lessons, too!), the Universe will offer us more lessons that can potentially lead to our dreams coming true.

So tell me, can you believe that everything is happening for you and that you are stronger than you think? In fact, you’re the stronger version of yourself yet, and there is still so much life to live.

