A year ago...

One year ago I wasn’t sitting in my kitchen, drinking my coffee, and thinking about money and boys.

Or was I? Am I the same person but just in a different kitchen?

Definitely a different cup of coffee.

April 2023 I was still married and living with my kiddos so I probably was crossing my fingers hoping they sleep in so I would have some more quiet time before the Saturday began.

Today’s Saturday and it’s his weekend with the boys. So on this particular Saturday, no, I am not crossing my fingers hoping they sleep in because I’m at my house and they are at theirs and that is WILD that it is so different than my life one year ago. It blows my mind.

And all I did was say a very important sentence in July and then just keep following through. Every day - for almost a full year now, to keep making the honest decision to be brave and alone rather than still married to someone who just wasn’t that good for me.

And it doesn’t make him bad or marriage bad or anything bad. Nothing is all bad anyway.

It just makes everything different in ways that I couldn’t even envision.

More later on money and boys.

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